
Showing posts from 2009

Google for sale?

Search giant Google is known for its creativity in morphing the characters of its "Google" doodle depending on the occasion. For instance, on Oct 2nd, Google for the first time, became a Mahatma by transforming the first "G" in its logo to a majestic pencil sketch of our Bapu . However, today, when I visited briefly, I felt Google was up for sale. What else can a person who has a confused brain like that of the author of this post think of when one sees thin strips of alternating black and white patterns that resemble a bar code, in the place of the Google doodle? The fact though, is that it really is a bar code and Google is surely not for sale - yet. Upon decoding, one would be able to unravel the word "Google", says Digital Inspiration . Brilliant, isn't it? Device magazine says that it is Google's way of honouring the invention of Bar Code - a typical this day, that age material! - rings a bell? Let me know if it doesn't.

Skanda-Purana: Adventures with my half-year old son

I f you compare my head and his fingers, you'll find more hair in the latter - such is the power of an infant's grasp, mind you. As for my son, that's how he expresses his love - by tearing my hair apart. U nlike his dad, he can come up with a spiky hairstyle, almost effortlessly - All he would have to do is wake up from his sleep. H e slips his hand under the quilt and screams his diaper-off, because he cannot find his hand again! H e proves every now and then that he's the son of two electrical engineers, by chewing the black USB-Cable of the 'logitech' web camera. W hen he cannot stand his dad's histrionics any longer, he buries his face with the nearest piece of paper available. W hen he is terribly hungry, if he cannot find his feeding bottle in the nearest vicinity, his mouth somehow gets hold of a nipple-like big and blunt object to suck - his father's nose. I f you notice scratches or blemishes of other sorts on my face, it means my son and I hav