This could happen to you

The next time you sermonize, better think twice. It might just turn against you, like how it happened to this news reporter. But, it all really depends on how well you carry yourself. Such a situation can be handled in three different ways -

The Jim-Carrey-method

Graciously evade the topic on a funny note, by uttering a few gags.

The Tom-Hanks-method

Get serious, become an object of demonstration and say, "Hey look, this is what I meant! So, beware!"

The Chandler-method

Careful. You need to be extremely skilled in doing this. Enact bullets one and
two above, alternatively and with style!

Now, watch this video...


Jeevan said…
It was too funny when relating this video to the Tom-Hanks method. Nice post buddy :)
G U R U said…
@Jeevan: Wasn't that funny :-D ?
G U R U said…
@Vinesh: Here you go -
Anonymous said…
I like the comments u leave on people's blogs. Elaborate, funny, mostly including a funny incident, adding spice to that comment form :D Cheers!
G U R U said…
@Shru: That was encouraging!! Thanks!!!

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