Married men somehow become naive

Yahoo messenger, MSN, GTalk and the likes can either make or break a relationship, depending upon the marital status of the individual (read 'geezer'), with the likelihood of the former happening for a budding and young lover, and the latter, for still a budding, but old lover. One of my pal's bosom pals' had the habit of categorizing his buddies into groups on one of the chat applications. So what? Most of us do that, isn't it? He had groups such as 'School friends', 'Relatives', 'Machees of Mannaargudi' (friends from the city Mannaargudi in Tamilnadu), 'Santhome porukkis' (hooligans of the Santhome area in Chennai), 'NIITs' (read Not Interested In Technologies), 'Kathaadi kawasakis' (kaathadi means kite in tamil. I presume kawasaki is a Japanese word), and even 'alfonsa undies' (I'll leave that to your imagination).

Not too long ago, he had a tiff with his wife, when she accidentally happened to see his buddy list and noticed that her name showed up in the group titled, "Uncategorized". He had a hard time convincing her that it happened so, by mistake. A few days later, he did correct his mistake, but this time the consequences were more severe than the previous one -- as his wife accidentally happened to see his contact list again, she noticed her name in a brand new category titled, "Wives".


Mad said…
Hmm. I wonder what your groups are ;-)
Shruti said…
Ahahahahaaa.. poor husbands! :P
Kalimuthu C said…
So where were you in your friend's list 'Santhome Porikkis?'....BTW...are you sure it is your friends or it was you?

Good post dude...!!!
G U R U said…
@mad: Again, I'll leave that to your imagination ;-)
G U R U said…
@shruti: Correction -- "Naive husbands!" :-D
G U R U said…
@kalimuthu: You're partly right. I was originally placed in that one, but upon my persistent nagging, he had to move me to 'kaathadi kawasakis' -- and that answers your other question as well :-(D)
Titan said…
Thats cool.Thats why I didnt create any folders ;-)
G U R U said…
@titan: Do you mean to say that you're actually married ;-) ?
Karthik said…
whats ur status
G U R U said…
You mean my messenger status?
.....Offline :-D
meena said…
ippidiyellam kooda epdi ezhutha mudiyuthu...kalakureenga...
G U R U said…
@Meena: dhanks 'n ga :-D

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