White snow and two dwarfs

It snowed 'monkeys and donkeys' in the east coast, yesterday. Don't get me wrong, they weren't scattered all around. Simply meant to use a different phrase, just for the heck of it. 'cats and dogs' are reserved only for rains, aren't they?

Coming back to 'monkeys and donkeys', it had been snowing the whole of yesterday and Connecticut recorded an average of 10 - 12 inches. My wife and I, kept gazing outside the whole day hoping for the storm to abate, so that we could have a romantic walk before the snow turns into ice. Atlast, it stopped around ten in the night. This was the moment we were waiting for. Both of us, fully armoured with thick winter clothing, finally stepped out of the house and walked towards the parking lot. There were heaps of snow all over the place and it took us a while to discover our black beauty, the Audi A4, which was hidden under one of the mounds. As we started shovelling to unearth our car, we indulged in a deep conversation, as to how well equipped our car was with it's four wheel-drive and a fully loaded winter package. Though I was happy with my car, I told my wife how much I missed the blue Audi A6 that we were supposed to have bought, but eventually did not. Both of us were now standing in front of our car to clear some snow near the front tires and my wife consoled me by saying how obedient a car ours was, and that it was the best in town; like how every wife consoles her husband.

After forty-five minutes, as the shovelling came to an end, our glib talk ended too, when a man approached us from the behind and walked straight up to the front door of our car. As he turned back and looked at us to give a quick nod and smile, the indicators of our car flashed. Our brains flashed too, like a tube light. He briefly glanced at our car, scanning the length and breadth of it, with a puzzled expression on his face. Before we could realise what was happening, he had already backed our car out of the parking lot and zoomed past us. As our car moved, we could clearly read the words Audi A6, written on it's trunk. My wife's face turned pale as she looked at me. My heart skipped a beat. Both of us stood there, frozen. We could do nothing, but simply watch the black beauty veer past us. What else could we have done after realising that it was actually our neighbour's car that we shovelled.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters referred to as 'Wife' and 'I' are purely fictional. The snowfall in Connecticut, was a fact though.

Update: I came to know through Vinesh that there is an ad similar to the story narrated above. I really couldn't believe it ! Check it out ! Thanks Vinesh, for letting me know.

Taking off the snow of your neighbour’s car!!! - kewego


Kalimuthu C said…
Dude..I don't believe this.....
G U R U said…
@Kali: You better believe this :-D
Anonymous said…
Is this what "Raising the Bar" means ?.. It seems like the nature is planning for the A6. All the best(beast) for A6.
G U R U said…
@nsk: No, "Raising the Bar" means starting a bar from scratch and maintaining it :) By the way, nature is actually planning for RS8 :-D
Jo said…
Coo. I have never seen the snow falling, and hope you are enjoying it there. :-) (or is it moody and boring?)
G U R U said…
@Jo: You are actually blessed :) The snowfall is highly depressing man :(
Jeevan said…
It was like a true incident, nicely narrated. A very cool picture, enjoy well in snow :)
G U R U said…
@Jeevan: Thanks and do keep clicking ! The last part that you said, is a li'l bit tough, but will still try :)
Vinesh said…
buddy, you have company:
G U R U said…
@Vinesh: Yikes!! I don't believe this!!!!!
Hi Guru, Yeah, this is the same Ad I mentioned to you..! (Thanks Vinesh).
G U R U said…
@Venkat: You're right :) I could Immediately relate to what you said when Vinesh gave me this link..thanks for stopping by and pls continue doing so !
Shruti said…
so snowing is depressing huh? Its what the rains do to me! Glad its over. And hey.. ur blog's a treat.. I'm going to blogroll u when I start doing that in a month's time. For now, subscription it is!
G U R U said…
@Shruti: True. Both are depressors. Snow is much worse! Thanks for wandering by and keep hopping in !

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